Distributed Order Management (DOM)

Enhance your order fulfillment capabilities with Softeon’s distributed order management system. In today’s supply chain landscape, DOM systems have proven critical for achieving efficient order fulfillment across various applications, channels, and industry sectors.

Softeon’s DOM enables you to automate and optimize order fulfillment processes while working seamlessly with your existing systems. Acting as a centralized “Order Hub,” it accommodates both B2C and B2B ecosystems, integrating your entire supply chain for smoother operations.

Softeon’s DOM offers real-time visibility into inventory and orders across your network, streamlining inventory allocation and reservation rules. It simplifies complex channel and customer order management, from handling backorders to managing subscriptions and new product introductions—all while prioritizing profitability and customer service commitments. Softeon’s DOM is a powerful solution for elevating your order fulfillment capabilities, saving you money and time while getting goods to their end point as quickly as possible.

Billing Management


For 3PL companies seeking to navigate the intricacies of billing management, Softeon offers a configurable Billing Management solution embedded in our WMS. Our Billing Management system effortlessly adapts, ensuring your financial processes remain streamlined.

Labor Management


Softeon’s Labor Management tools transform your workforce into a well-coordinated team. Easily track, measure, and optimize labor productivity, ensuring your team operates efficiently, achieving top performance without missing a beat.

Parcel Management


When it comes to shipping, having an embedded and flexible parcel engine in your WMS is crucial. Softeon understands that each parcel represents a customer’s experience. Our Parcel Management solution equips you with the tools to deliver not just satisfaction but delight to your customers.

Assembly & Kitting

Assembly and
Kitting Management

Multi-channel support: build-to-order, serialized assembly, lot control, custom packaging, and auto-inserting promotional items for seasons.

man checking inventory

Distributed Order Management Software in Action

Integration Expertise

man with tablet in warehouse

Distributed Order Managment (DOM)

If you know supply chain operations, then you know the Warehouse is the heartbeat of the operation. In today’s digital landscape, having a robust and efficient Warehouse Management System (WMS) is essential. Softeon is your trusted WMS provider, the only Tier-1 vendor exclusively focused on optimizing your warehouse operation.

When it comes to optimization, we do more than offer an out-of-the-box solution for the masses. Where other vendors force you into their way of doing things, we offer freedom and tailored precision. Explore the concept of “micro-tuning,” where we empower our clients to craft unique workflows perfectly aligned with their business requirements. We provide the perfect fit. Micro-tuning enhances productivity, ensuring your business operates at its peak efficiency.

Distributed Order Managment
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